Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Really Dislike Thinking of Titles

Ok, so I said I would be good and instead I was really bad. I blame the holidays and a warm week in Florida. I have been running though (not very long distances), but I have been running. Oh, and I signed up for two races. The March Madness half marathon on March 15 and the Shamrock Shuffle 8k on March 29th.

I have 9 weeks until the half marathon. I am going to revamp my training schedule that I am on so I can make sure I finish the race. I was originally going to add 1 mile to my long run each week, but that will leave me no time to taper and I want to make sure I am strong for the race. I think I might add 1.5 miles per week and then hopefully I can taper properly for it. My goal for the half is just to finish. As of right now I really have doubts that I will.

On that note, my biggest supporter, my brother Jon is running the Diney World marathon this weekend. Go Jon Go! I wish I was there with you.

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